Assignment: Develop, design and produce a short opening title sequence. You can choose the subject. It may be from a book, podcast, a fictional movie or television series. The title sequence should include imagery and text. Use the skills you have developed in the class this semester. Including music is optional. I chose to design for a fictional book series called  A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas
Approach: I began by creating mind maps and mood boards to explore the visual aesthetic I wanted to achieve. Next, I storyboarded the sequence, planning the imagery and transitions. I gathered assets and imagery, using stock images as references in Adobe Firefly, where I applied prompts to enhance and alter them. After collecting the final assets, I imported them into Adobe Photoshop, separating key image elements to be used in Adobe After Effects. There, I utilized the 3D features to animate a camera movement through the images, syncing with music from Text was revealed dynamically, emerging from behind various elements throughout the sequence.
Result: The final product is a one-minute title sequence for A Court of Thorns and Roses, envisioned as a TV series. The sequence introduces the cast, director, writers, producers, and the show's title. It incorporates elements from the book cover and hints at key plot points, setting the tone for the series.

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